An initial version of the debian package for ledgersmb-1.5 for
version 1.5.14-1 has been released and uploaded to our apt package
repository for 'main' in stretch[1].. It has also been uploaded to our
PPA[2], for 'artful' (v17.10) as well as 'xenial (v16.04). (The debian
source packages are available as well.)
Note also that an issue installing from the PPA for Xenial has
been resolved, but still if anyone has any issues please let us know.
The packages at both our apt package repository and our PPA:
Robert J. Clay
rjclay(a), jame(a)
GPG ID: 2448 3AE0 874D 8696 6DCD ECF4 198C AB6F 43B7 EA9A.
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application. This release
contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.5.14
* Post (instead of save) transaction on depreciation approval (Erik H)
* Fix role prefix set on copied databases from (Erik H, #3219)
* Fix argument names due to move to PGObject::Util::DBAdmin (Erik H)
* Fix posting of vendor invoice fails with vendor-price in parts (Erik H, #3081)
* Fix example Apache config file's SSLRequireSSL directive (Erik H, #3272)
* Fix invoice shows fewer $decimalplaces than configured (Erik H, #3271)
* Fix upgrade code using db transactions incorrectly (Erik H, #3289)
* Improve 'in progress' feedback by fading submitted content (Erik H, #3283)
* Add visual feedback to form input validation in (Erik H)
* Implement checks for correct loading of sql/modules/ files (Erik H)
* Correct Roles.sql and PriceMatrix.sql loading errors (Erik H)
* Fix 'uninitialized variable' warnings on database creation (Erik H, #3266)
* Find part number on invoice/order by substring; was prefix (Erik H, #3266)
* Find part description on invoice/order by substring; was 'full text' (Erik H)
* Change part search on invoice/order to be case insensitive (Erik H, #3266)
Erik H is Erik Huelsmann
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at
The release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
$ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.5.14
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
90ee3e1847c53d3fbc12da99510a458c38ed5b25b4d87a6f2f598fc0c7b4ffaf ledgersmb-1.5.14.tar.gz
6f9f0f0302f92bcd83bf6a6c12e5d5eef593650d61ced8150c6016f5c6ed16f4 ledgersmb-1.5.14.tar.gz.asc