The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.10.11
* Stricter allowance for non-uniquely reconciled lines during migration (#7078)
* Rounding crash in reports with huge numbers (#7100)
* Unbalanced fixed asset disposal (through sale) transaction (#5180)
* Correctly show populated reconciliation after bank statement upload (#6183)
* CSV imports throwing a 'missing function' error (#7108)
* Restore logging into the default company entering the name (#7114)
* Addresses not aligning correctly with labels in some cases (#7117)
* <ENTER> not triggering login from input fields on login page (#7121)
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at
The release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
$ docker pull
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
$ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.10.11
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
92abe9577f9ed2c037cb51eff27532d9cfed9fe23cce127abd90dc32935ed24c ledgersmb-1.10.11.tar.gz
5da73f3e880582a8a5ca1dfd31f44b82e207cf419a8d78cd0010a76fd560720f ledgersmb-1.10.11.tar.gz.asc
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.10.10
* Don't show obsolete accounts in account drop-downs (#7061)
* Focus the first empty line on Update in AR, AP, Orders and Quotes (#1584)
* Correct alignment in HTML income statement and balance sheet (#7074)
* Improved layout of balance sheet and P&L reports for hierarchical CoA (#7086)
* Fixed database creation and upgrades failing for non-superuser admin (#7073)
Please note that in order to benefit from the improved layout of the P&L and
balance sheet HTML reports, you need to update the template in the database
through the System > Templates screen.
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at
The release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
$ docker pull
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
$ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.10.10
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
f98681eb9a2f919b702637ec3ffce245b991dac2f7ff5ae28644d7ec11059bfd ledgersmb-1.10.10.tar.gz
7e2eb1376f3fa7095ba6dda03045c2bc3b39be95f97abd104549001f6e8e3a88 ledgersmb-1.10.10.tar.gz.asc
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.9.24
* Don't show obsolete accounts in account selection drop-downs (#7062)
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at
The release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
$ docker pull
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
$ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.9.24
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
9b706e7892d8dc40929c7426d1d408e7ba7e14bfbdd1bde7c8b2fd8a3591fb4b ledgersmb-1.9.24.tar.gz
202b4d87ff5864058bed87c37f436b20b9ab03b628823132903de9d08246fc84 ledgersmb-1.9.24.tar.gz.asc
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.10.9
* Various fixes to make tax forms work (#7037 and #7040)
* Fix error when retrieving template GL transactions (#7030)
* Fix borders on sort order drop-down in reconciliation screen (#7052)
* Fix report-sorting dropping results on each sort for some searches (#7057)
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at
The release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
$ docker pull
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
$ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.10.9
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
e77700cc12837a5b8242b66b5bbf8297e91755b53235ac43b126d94b534145bd ledgersmb-1.10.9.tar.gz
8c9c942420c2fee7522ae5569d9831f7be05ad99cd6bd5dfa317409ec90cff1e ledgersmb-1.10.9.tar.gz.asc
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.9.23
* Various fixes to make tax forms work (#7037 and #7040)
* Fix borders on sort order drop-down in reconciliation screen (#7052)
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The release can be downloaded from our download site at
The release can be downloaded from GitHub at
Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
$ docker pull
Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
$ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.9.23
These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
b57ec826fc2ffffdd2ac6d467ae1dbe41a8c051cab23d96957741d5d5cdd7245 ledgersmb-1.9.23.tar.gz
b36938baa8c348571658bde0d0ef18ebf1f8f7451928e7c25786066064bd6337 ledgersmb-1.9.23.tar.gz.asc