[users] Questions about using a custom (non-system) perl

Greetings; I want to install LSMB on my server. I have a small amount of experience installing Perl scripts. I have installed both FosWiki and RT behind Apache via fcgid, but I still have a few Perl related questions. Here is where I am so far: 1 - I have installed the latest Postgres (9.6.2) from source, the system (CentOS V7) doesn't have the required version (9.4 or newer) in it's repo (it has 9.2) 2 - If I install LSMB in the default manner, I end up using the system Perl, and cpanm installs modules listed in the cpanfile in the user's home directory. I do not want to use the system Perl, and have already installed a separate, Perl 5.24 instance that I use for Request Tracker and FosWiki. I have installed local::lib and cpanm as modules in the custom Perl 5.24 3 - My system Perl is 5.10 and the cpanfile calls for Perl 5.14 4 - There is an instance of Perl 5.10 in the home directory of the user account that will host LSMB (probably because I have CageFS on this server). So installing Perl 5.24 modules in the user's home directory won't work. 5 - My understanding is that by default, cpanm installs modules in the user’s home directory. 6 - I’m confident I can tell cpanm to install the modules somewhere else (<ledgersmb-root>/lib/cpan). Questions: A - how do I tell LSMB to look for modules in <ledgersmb-root>/lib/cpan ? (I think I can use the statement "use Local::Lib <ledgersmb-root>/lib/cpan" but where would I put it? B - how do I tell LSMB to use the non-system Perl? C - In FosWiki and RT, I use a script (from stackoverflow.com) that changes the shebang statement in all Perl files. Would that work for LSMB? (there are no shebang statements except in cpanfile). Thanks in advance! Paul
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