As tax time approaches, I thought I'd share two sql select scripts that I have found useful. The first one gets all of the email addresses that were current during the year (for sending out W-9 forms, for example) It works as written through January of the next year. If you use it in February, you'll need to modify the "now()-'31d'". it runs on LSMB 1.5 *select distinct b.contact from ar a, eca_to_contact b where (date_trunc('year',a.transdate)) = (date_trunc('year',now()-'31d'::interval)) and a.entity_credit_account = b.credit_id and b.contact_class_id>14 order by b.contact;* The second get all of the email addresses that were current in the prior month (for sending out "happy New Years" to your tenants) *select distinct b.contact from ar a, eca_to_contact b where (date_trunc('month',a.transdate)) = (date_trunc('month',now()-'31d'::interval)) and a.entity_credit_account = b.credit_id and b.contact_class_id>14 order by b.contact;** * Hope you find them useful. If you make improvements, please share. -- Regards, Bill Ott Home: 919-363-0031 Cell: 919-434-7589 Email: Mailto:billott@theotts.org Website: http://www.theotts.org Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/wbott
participants (1)
bill Ott