Greetings. Thank you for your prompt response. We are using Ubuntu 16.04 virtualize under windows 10 OS.Installation was from repositories or using the synaptic app manager.We can go directly to 1.6 :as needed .Noted on the two steps process including the backup of the company database. The Posgresql we are using is version 9.5.14 Regards,:) Ryle.Msinc/ITDept From: Robert James Clay <jame@rocasa.us> To: Ryle Zabate <ryle_23@ymail.com> Cc: LedgerSMB Users <users@lists.ledgersmb.org> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 6:44 AM Subject: Re: [ledgersmb-users] Migration to 1.5 Wed Jan 23 2019 05:20:30 AM EST from "Ryle Zabate" <ryle_23@ymail.com> Subject: [ledgersmb-users] Migration to 1.5Greetings!Hello Team, we are still using the 1..3 version of LedgerSMB.Can we directly migrate to the 1.5 by extracting it on top of the 1.3 without any problem/issue? I'm sorry, I don't remember & could not find it in the copies of your previous emails that I have (none of which, btw, made it to my gmail address): Which OS (& OS Version) do you have that 1.3 version of LedgerSMB installed on & how was it installed there? (I was wondering if there was some reason you were not upgrading to LSMB 1.6 instead of 1.5, given that 1.5 is not the most recent version of LSMB...)Also, something to keep in mind is that it is really a two step process; upgrading the application itself and then separately upgrading the company database, which is done from within the application. (And which we always recommend doing on a copy of the company database that you want to upgrade. even if they're 'just' test or evalution type databases. )And which version of PostgreSQL are you running? (Although of course that might be indicated by which OS version you all are using.) Robert James Clayjame@rocasa.us, rjclay@gmail.com