Erik wrote:
Please find attached a replacement 'import_csv.pm' to be placed in lib/LedgerSMB/Scripts/.
fmiser wrote:
[ qw/ partnumber description unit listprice sellprice lastcost weight notes makemodel assembly alternate rop inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno returns_accno bin bom image drawing microfiche partsgroup avgcost taxaccnos / ]
Erik wrote
Let me know how it works out!
I'm not getting it to work. Initially I got an error message. After trying stuff, I think the error quit when I put a number, not a string in "partsgroup". But it didn't _do_ anything. The window grayed, no error, and 20 min later it was still the same. The file had 15 lines. So now I'm wondering if there is a problem with my csv data. Maybe it has to do with null fields. Should they be zero? Blank? "purchaseprice" and "onhand" are handled by inventory import, to be run next - right? Or maybe blank lines don't work? Any clues? -- f