On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:30 PM John O'Gorman <john@og.co.nz> wrote:
On 07/05/2019 06:56, Robert J. Clay wrote:
I am trying to install LedgerSMB on a laptop running SUSE Tumbleweed 2019-05-02. Which version of LSMB (LedgerSMB) did you install? ledgersmb-1.6.2.tar.gz
Not the most recent available (which is 1.6.10) but certainly usable.
But I cannot find either login.pl or setup.pl
That's because they're virtual; i.e., they're URLs, not files.
I have found in /etc/ssl/private 3 files with my full (false) DNS cname:acer.og.gen.nz as prefix to a .crt, .csr, and .key files which seem to contain example ssl file.
I'm sorry, I don't understand that; if it's a valid DNS cname, how is false? Or is it not really in DNS?
Maybe I can use these to get LedgerSMB working.
That indeed could be usable that way. Just edit the example apache-vhost.conf file for use with that. If that name is not actually in your local DNS (where ever you're attempting to browser from), you'll need to take care of that. -- Robert J. Clay rjclay@gmail.com