Greetings: Version: 1.5.9 Environment: Ubuntu-16.04 x64 Apache2 + PostgreSQL-9.5 Following install instructions at: https://ledgersmb.org/content/installing-ledgersmb-15 Got all the way to the "setup.pl". Enter the user name "lsmb_dbadmin" + password + name-of-new-company-db. Got this error: Error! APPLICATION ERROR at /usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1/PGObject/Util/DBAdmin.pm line 265. dbversion: 1.5.9, company: Status: 500 Internal server error (PSGI.pm run_new) I've checked Apache2, Starman, and PostgreSQL and all are up and running w/o errors. Help? Hints? Regards, Michael -- ====================== Michael Chinn Miguel.Chinn@Gmail.com ~ ~~ ~ ~ o:)^))>~< <;)^)))>~< ~ ~ ~~ ~ <:)^)))>~< <;)^)>~< ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ o:)^)))>-< <;)^))>~< ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ o;)^))>-< <:)^))>~< ~~ ~ ~o:)^))>~<