On 08/28/2017 12:06 AM, David G wrote:
Hi Michael,
Sorry to hear you have a problem installing. Lets see what we can do to help.
If you could start by answering the following questions please.
* did you download the tarball, git repo, docker image, or debian package [MC] From the tarball. I installed into /usr/local/ledgersmb * what do the following commands return o [[ -x $(which apt) ]] && apt list libpgobject* || echo no apt
[MC] libpgobject-perl/xenial,xenial,now 1.402.9-1 all [installed] libpgobject-simple-perl/xenial,xenial,now 1.8-1 all [installed] libpgobject-simple-role-perl/xenial,xenial,now 1.12.0-1 all [installed] libpgobject-type-bigfloat-perl/xenial,xenial,now 1.0.1-1 all [installed] libpgobject-util-dbmethod-perl/xenial,xenial,now 1.00.001-1 all [installed]
o perl -M'PGObject::Util::DBAdmin' -e 'print "\nVERSION=$PGObject::Util::DBAdmin::VERSION\n";'
[MC] VERSION=0.100.0
o cat /etc/lsb-release /etc/issue /etc/redhat-release
NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS" VERSION_ID="16.04" HOME_URL="http://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="http://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" VERSION_CODENAME=xenial UBUNTU_CODENAME=xenial
/etc/suse-release /etc/mandrake-release /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null o uname -ov
#115-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 10 09:04:33 UTC 2017 GNU/Linux
o echo -e "PERL5LIB: $PERL5LIB"
o perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib
Attempting to create directory /home/miguel/perl5 PATH="/home/miguel/perl5/bin${PATH+:}${PATH}"; export PATH; PERL5LIB="/home/miguel/perl5/lib/perl5${PERL5LIB+:}${PERL5LIB}"; export PERL5LIB; PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="/home/miguel/perl5${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT+:}${PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}"; export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT; PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base \"/home/miguel/perl5\""; export PERL_MB_OPT; PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=/home/miguel/perl5"; export PERL_MM_OPT;
* Stop the LedgerSMB Starman process (probably "sudo service starman-ledgersmb stop" )
Ok, starman-ledgersmb stopped...
o *run* cd /usr/local/ledgersmb # cd to the LedgerSMB install dir
Ok. Installed into "/usr/local/ledgersmb"
o *run* starman --listen --workers 1 tools/starman.psgi # start starman manually
2017/08/28-11:08:19 Starman::Server (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(1995) Binding to TCP port 5762 on host with IPv4 Setting gid to "1000 1000 27 1000" Starting Worker on PID 1996 Using Built Dojo
o browse to "http://$ledgersmb_server_address:5762/setup.pl"
I was able to create a company and some users!
o login with no company name using the login button not the create button
o copy the starman console output into this email
user@srv2:/usr/local/ledgersmb$ starman --listen --workers 1 tools/starman.psgi 2017/08/28-11:08:19 Starman::Server (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(1995) Binding to TCP port 5762 on host with IPv4 Setting gid to "1000 1000 27 1000" Starting Worker on PID 1996 Using Built Dojo WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress NOTICE: function je_get_default_lines() does not exist, skipping NOTICE: function je_set_default_lines(pg_catalog.int4) does not exist, skipping WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress NOTICE: table "trial_balance__account_to_report" does not exist, skipping NOTICE: table "trial_balance__heading_to_report" does not exist, skipping NOTICE: function trial_balance__list() does not exist, skipping NOTICE: table "trial_balance" does not exist, skipping psql:sql/modules/Roles.sql:122: WARNING: no privileges were granted for "public" Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/local/ledgersmb/tools/../lib/LedgerSMB/Scripts/setup.pm line 183. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/ledgersmb/tools/../lib/LedgerSMB/DBObject/User.pm line 47.
o ctrl-c to kill starman o copy the result of *run* cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.4-main.log into this email (redact anything sensitive, and only show the part for the time after you start starman)
Starting starman manually seems to work, however using the systemd service file was giving me trouble so, I edited the (supplied) systemd starman-ledgersmb.service" file (installed in /etc/systemd/system) Changed: [Service] WorkingDirectory=WORKING_DIR To: WorkingDirectory=/usr/local/ledgersmb/ Reloaded the daemon "systemctl daemon-reload", then restarted the starman-ledgersmb service. Here's the postgresql-9.5 log as of Aug-29. Most of these repeated. 2017-08-29 04:55:36 UTC [12097-1] postgres@postgres FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" 2017-08-29 04:55:36 UTC [12097-2] postgres@postgres DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 109: "host all all md5" could not close temporary statistics file "/var/run/postgresql/9.5-main.pg_stat_tmp/db_0.tmp": No space left on device 2017-08-29 07:37:04 UTC [1152-147] LOG: could not fork autovacuum worker process: Cannot allocate memory
* If the above works, try re-starting starman, and creating a new company instead of simply logging in
I was able to create a company and accounts for employees. Seems to work OK. My previous experience with LSMB was only with 1.3, so the install routine with starman is new. I VERY much appreciate the help from you (David) and Chris. Regards, Michael
We can often provide realtime assistance if you visit us in our chat room at
#ledgersmb:matrix.org <https://riot.im/app/#/room/#ledgersmb:matrix.org>
Regards David G (dcg_mx in the chat room)
On 28/08/17 10:09, Michael Chinn wrote:
Version: 1.5.9 Environment: Ubuntu-16.04 x64 Apache2 + PostgreSQL-9.5
Following install instructions at: https://ledgersmb.org/content/installing-ledgersmb-15
Got all the way to the "setup.pl". Enter the user name "lsmb_dbadmin" + password + name-of-new-company-db.
Got this error:
Error! APPLICATION ERROR at /usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1/PGObject/Util/DBAdmin.pm line 265. dbversion: 1.5.9, company: Status: 500 Internal server error (PSGI.pm run_new)
I've checked Apache2, Starman, and PostgreSQL and all are up and running w/o errors.
Help? Hints?
Regards, Michael
_______________________________________________ users mailing list users@lists.ledgersmb.org https://lists.ledgersmb.org/mailman/listinfo/users
-- ====================== Michael Chinn Miguel.Chinn@Gmail.com ~ ~~ ~ ~ o:)^))>~< <;)^)))>~< ~ ~ ~~ ~ <:)^)))>~< <;)^)>~< ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ o:)^)))>-< <;)^))>~< ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ o;)^))>-< <:)^))>~< ~~ ~ ~o:)^))>~<