fmiser wrote:
I think you are saying that my idea of two-step would work. That is, use COPY parts FROM 'file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
to fill in most of the information, followed by a run of the inventory import script.
Erik wrote:
Yes. Exactly.
Sweet! I'll give that a try.
fmiser asked:
Then what about customers and vendors (contacts)? Is there a way to get 200 customers and 120 vendors in - again without adding them one at a time?
Erik wrote:
The existing import system doesn't have imports defined for customers and vendors.
That looks doable. Not necessarily without risk of error, though... Hmm. Maybe a spreadsheet with one tab with all the data, and other tabs that pull info from the main one that can be exported as CSV as needed for each table.
That would work, except for the fact that the key that cross-references most of the tables is generated on import of the entity and entity_credit_account tables. If you export the imported information again and use that to tie the various CSVs together, that'd work. (Note that 'entity.control_code' and 'entity_credit_account.meta_number' are meant to be used as system-independent references; you could put a value in it that you generate in your CSV which you can use to lookup the internal 'id' number later).
I'm not quite following that...
... Let me know how you think we can best facilitate future users who want to initialize the system with costumers/vendors based on your experience once you're a bit more into the process.
Heh. I am not sure that I count as normal enough to be used as a reference for how anyone else might be importing!! -- f