Hi guys, thanks to the IRC guys and the apt packager I was able to get a test install done in virtual box under debian guest OS. Over the Summer (I'm in Australia) break I might have enough time to get stuck into installing it for production. I have a server at my business with CENTOS as the host, with all my other apps running in virtual box VM's. I'm looking for some help in regards to how to configure the network safely and securely, as all other apps are currently used internally, ie. none are web facing. I would like LedgerSMB to be web facing to allow me to A: work from home at times B: The accountant to log in and work when required (usually year end). I have fixed IP at the business. I have a basic/solid understanding of linux, in terms of managing updates, modifying config files as instructed etc. That said Mageia is my distro of choice, but I was pulling my hair out trying to get a functioning LedgerSmb install. But I understand, with the apt repo, running a debian base install will be easily managed. All advice most appreciated. I may need my hand held significantly at first, especially in regards to networking and security. Thanks in Advance,