system is Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, fresh
install on a virtual machine
everything seems to be working thus
far, but I've still got a bit of setting up to go.
We don't list any modules from Perl Core (those that come with Perl by default on all platforms because they ship with Perl) in our dependency listing. However, Perl 5.30 - the one in Ubuntu 20.04 - removed Locale::Codes, which includes Locale::Country.
Meaning that you need to run the correction you did: sudo cpanm Locale::Country
I'll make sure the Locale::Country dependency is included for perls 5.30 and later!
Thanks for reporting.
On 12/8/20 9:14 am, Erik Huelsmann
Hi Tim,
Which installation instructions did you use?
Obviously they ended you with a broken installion. I'd like to
correct them. To help that: which version of LedgerSMB are you
installing and which OS are you using?
On Tue, Aug 11, 2020, 02:57
Tim Conlan <> wrote:
after a
fresh coffee & a reboot, i tried again, this time got an
message in syslog:
Aug 11 00:51:57 accounts starman[633]: Can't locate
Locale/ in
@INC (you may need to install the Locale::Country module)
contains: /usr/local/ledgersmb/bin/.. lib old/lib /etc/perl
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.30 /usr/share/perl5
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.30 /usr/share/perl/5.30
/usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base)
lib/LedgerSMB/Scripts/ line 33.
Aug 11 00:51:57 accounts starman[633]: BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted
at lib/LedgerSMB/Scripts/ line 33.
Aug 11 00:51:57 accounts starman[633]: Compilation failed in
require at
/usr/share/perl5/Module/ line 314.
there it is, a missing dependency (Locale::Country)
sudo cpanm Locale::Country
now it gives me a setup screen. let's hope that's the only
(minor) problem.
On 10/8/20 5:00 pm, Tim Conlan wrote:
> ok, so in syslog I get the following error:
> Aug 10 06:57:27 accounts starman[41720]: Attempt to
> LedgerSMB/Scripts/ aborted.
> Aug 10 06:57:27 accounts starman[41720]: Compilation
failed in require
> at /usr/share/perl5/Module/ line 314.
> googling this doesn't reveal much, but I'm thinking a
missng dependency.
> any ideas?
> thanks,
> tim.
> On 10/8/20 1:28 pm, Tim Conlan wrote:
>> Gday folks,
>> currently trying to install version 1.7.18 & have
got to the point of
>> pointing my browser at <ip-address>/, but am
>> "internal server error"
>> i'm setting it up on a virtual machine (ubuntu 20.04)
& have run
>> through the setup procedure - postgres is running
& configurable,
>> reverse proxy nginx running (can hit it ok from a
browser), starman
>> appears to be running ok, but no dice on the
>> <ip-addy>/ gives me a login screen,
but at the moment I've
>> got nothing to log in to..
>> is there anywhere I should be looking for logs
>> (/var/log/nginx/access/error aren't that enlightening
- just error 500)
>> thanks in advance,
>> tim.
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