Erik Huelsmann a écrit :
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 9:02 PM Nicolas Couchoud < nicolas.couchoud__ledgersmb@normalesup.org> wrote:
I found other places where schema public explicitely appears : * In sql/changes/1.5/open_forms_callers.sql, there are three requests explicitely mentioning table « public.open_forms ». This prevents the complete upgrade of the tables from 1.3 to 1.5. I patched the file by suppressing « public. » and it works.
Hmm. Ok. In order to prevent future updates from going breaking on your database, I need a bit of information from you: In your database, there's a table called "db_patches". This table has a 'sha' and a 'path' column. I need the content of the 'sha' column for each of the files you patched (indicated in the 'path' column). Could you send me the sha of that file? I want to see if I can recreate the same SHA. (or that I need to send you a new sha for that column...)
The only file I patched in direcftory sql/changes is sql/changes/1.5/open_forms_callers.sql . The corresponding sha column in table db_patches is ke63Vj9L87jBNBhn3SgzIAtT2WQ3GBjowM24pRtt4H1a13PmUd3hW9T+VQCsPUF2UDXWs9pMIPbOEE/l7kNROA In my patched file I added a comment in French so it may be difficult for you to obtain the same sha. Regards.