Apologies Robert, gmail frustratingly doesn't auto-reply to group :(

On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 3:22 PM Xboxboy Mageia <xboxboy.mageia@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 7:57 AM Robert J. Clay <rjclay@gmail.com> wrote:

  The example LSMB distribution file 'apache-vhost.conf' is installed
by the pkg as 'ledgersmb-1.5-proxy.conf'  to the
/etc/apache2/sites-available/  directory.

   Much of that file is already configured by default by the pkg, but
the 'ServerName' item is not configured by default (which is why the
pkg install does not curently attempt to enable the config file by
default). Once that is set, on Debian you can enable it by using
something like:

Using the command "hostname" I get "LedgerSMB"
I've added that to the ledgersmb-1.5-proxy.conf file
a2ensite ledgersmb-1.5-proxy.conf

No complaints
  If that doesn't come up with any issues, then:

 systemctl reload apache2

  If no issues come up, you can try accessing the LSMB setup page by
going to https://server.name.com/setup.pl  (or you could try via the

the browser wont go to http://LedgerSMB/setup.pl

So, I'm tripped up again: Sorry.

I tried adding the machines IP as the servername, but that didn't work either.

  Any questions/comments/concerns etc, please let us know.

Thanks for your patience... I will get there though.

Robert J. Clay