On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 5:27 AM Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <racke@linuxia.de> wrote:
On 3/23/19 7:45 PM, Robert J. Clay wrote:
.... I've also been thinking about a major change in the package; that being changing it so that it uses the dojo distributed in the LedgerSMB archive instead of that in Debian like is already being done with our 'ledgersmb-1.6' package, on the basis that the version in Debian is not the same as that actually being used by the app itself.
There's not that much of a dojo related version difference with what LedgerSMB 1.6 uses (Debian testing has v1.14.2) but that's not the case for LSMB 1.7 so it's something I need to look at in any case.
Actually I don't think that is a good idea. The release cycle starts again after buster is ready, and there is enough time to get dojo in sync with what is in LedgerSMB.
Or at least, with the dojo toolkit itself. A reason why LSMB includes it is because that version can get of sync, pariticularly with released LSMB versions, which track the major/minor version of dojo from at the time that the LSMB version was released.but might get the patch level version number sync'ed occasionally. (This is done using sub-modules in the LSMB code repository against the dojo code repository.)
Also it is the general policy in Debian to use the available packaged version instead of including it in the application package. This is for various good reasons (maintenance, security, package size, ...).
Yes, I know; it's why I changed the 'ledgersmb' pkg to use the Debian dojo pkgs when LSMB started using dojo 3 years ago. I also know that the policy [1] is a 'should' not a 'must'. OTOH; I don't yet know how much, if any, the version difference might actually make. Especially over a patch level difference like that between 1.14.2 & 1.14.3. Which likely means that I should really focus first on gettting the 'ledgersmb' pkg working with autopkgtest. -- Robert J. Clay rjclay@gmail.com jame@rocasa.us [1] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#convenience-copies-o...