Hi all, Until now, our migration process consisted of: 1. Using an existing LSMB 1.2 to 1.5 or Sql-Ledger 2.8 or 3.0 database 2. Applying a specific migration script, with various fix possibilities using specific forms 3. Obtaining a dataset that can be pushed into the latest LedgerSMB schema or failing completely. During the last week, Erik and I have been working on adding different edit, update, insert, cancel and override possibilities for the migration forms, in order to ease migration and try to prevent returning the user to his old application to fix data. Now, some of those fixing forms are specific to each migration but some are more general and should probably fit better in a new sanitization step, to be inserted between steps 2 and 3 above. This would * benefit all previous versions * prevent entering bad data in the database for which we do or not have means to fix * provide a diagnostic of the database to the owner. Such report could also be generated on demand through the admin application. * allow for more complex checks than was is strictly required by migration. This is a change from the actual process for which your input would be welcomed. Yves