Hi Erik, * Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> [210206 19:39]:
I'd like to learn how to properly maintain a package and develop it, so I can upload updated packages as part of the release cycle. I've not been able to go through any of the steps in the process or requirements for it. With the help of someone to show me the right first steps, I'm likely able to reach my goal of submitting new packages with upstream releases.
Can you provide me the right pointers on the first steps? I've been a long-time Debian user, but never developed any packages myself.
Thanks for wanting to step in! I believe this is the document one's supposed to read on this: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ I saw you made some commits to the existing packaging Git repository, so thats a good start. "Mentors" is a great place to get help and get your package reviewed by existing DDs. They also have additional introduction info: https://mentors.debian.net Maybe also check by #debian-mentors on IRC. Given you also filed #981608, is the solution in there enough? I don't use ledgersmb myself, but it'd be bad for it to fall out of Debian. Chris