[ledgersmb-announce] LedgerSMB 1.6.0 released

The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce the start of a new series of stable releases: 1.6.0. Over the past 18 months (since the release of 1.5.0) the team has worked on a multitude of aspects of the system with the primary focus to build a solid foundation for future development as well as reducing system complexity -- both at the code and installation levels. User Interface * Reports and search results exportable to XLS(X) (Yves L) * Left menu replaced by a (faster) Dojo-based version (Yves L/Erik H) Installation & Administration * Added 'System Information' page to setup.pl for problem diagnosis (Erik H) * Numerous improvements for the migrations and infrastructure (Yves L/Erik H) * Better detection of incorrect @INC paths (David G) * Automatic date format selection using browser locale (Yves L/Erik H) * No more warnings from database creation and upgrade (Erik H) * Improved logging: various logs correlated using unique request IDs (Erik H) * Functions 'warn()' and 'die()' logged to debug logs (Erik H) * Removed need for 'tempdir' and associated configuration option (Nick P) * Removed numerous unused configuration options (Nick P) * Specific output formats can be disabled in configuration (Yves L) * Respect smtpuser and smtppass configuration options (Nick P) * Add smtpport configuration option (Nick P) * Database upgrades now ask for user input on (expected) faulty data (Erik H) Performance * PSGI responses no longer written to file but kept in memory (Erik H/Yves L) Rewritten inventory tracking and adjustments * Removed the need for the ill-understood 'Inventory Entity' (Erik H) * Inventory adjustments GL transactions instead of dummy invoices (Erik H) * SQL & in-browser(BDD) tests (Erik H) Code cleanup * Removed code duplication in - Template handling framework (Yves L) * Remove unused variables and unreachable code (Nick P) * Remove fragments of REST framework never fully implemented (Erik H) * Authentication handling centralized in request dispatch code (Erik H) * Cleaned up handling of uploaded files in request handling (Erik H) * Moved to Plack::Request (from CGI::Simple & LedgerSMB) (Erik H) * Template format plugin cleanup and refactoring (Erik H/Nick P) * Template handling code cleanup (Erik H/Nick P) * Unreferenced UI templates deleted (Erik H) * Centralized and more robust entry point for code in old/ (Erik H) * Merge of SQL-Ledger 2.8 and 3.0 migration code; improved consistency (Yves L) * Improved cleanup of temp files and dirs after use (Erik H) * Improved HTML structure (balanced closing/opening tags, etc) (Yves L) * Factored HTTP response responsibility out of LedgerSMB::Template (Erik H) * Moved request pre- and post-processing into custom Plack Middlewares (Erik H) Quality assurance * Port testing of database routines to pgTAP (and Perl's 'prove') (Yves L) * Enforce numerous Perl::Critic policies with code cleanup (Nick P/Rob R) * Add tests for all template output formats (Nick P) * Constrain password_duration setting to valid values (Nick P) Erik H is Erik Huelsmann Yves L is Yves Lavoie Nick P is Nick Prater Rob R is Rob Ransbottom David G is David Godfrey For installation instructions and system requirements, see https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/blob/1.6.0/README.md The release can be downloaded from our download site at https://download.ledgersmb.org/f/Releases/1.6.0 The release can be downloaded from GitHub at https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/releases/tag/1.6.0 Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command $ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.6.0 These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files: 97de4d0749b0789bf2f1e4fac1fa91e5fe936cd0889697b225f94b5255491484 ledgersmb-1.6.0.tar.gz 1a619c49b6c8a225c25bff74c4101a3d0ef988e37a8d0b7b2152784102419793 ledgersmb-1.6.0.tar.gz.asc
participants (1)
Erik Huelsmann