The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce the first release of a new release branch: 1.9.0. This series features a wide variety of new features, improvements, bug fixes and cleanup. To name a few: * Emailed documents are added to the database as attachments * Orders and invoices show change history * Command line application for administrative tasks (bin/ledgersmb-admin) * Faster HTML response generation (optimized HTML preprocessing) * Report filters and account settings hide GIFI when not configured * Configuration setting 'Only Timeout Locks' removed * Clicking 'Update' no longer clobbers saved invoices and transactions * Fixed mailing of aging reports (regression since 1.3.42) * Optimize balance sheet report (use balance snapshots from period closing) * Reformat UI HTML templates & HTML5 upgrade (from 4.01 Transitional) * Code cleanup reducing the number of warnings in the server logs * JavaScript now built using WebPack (no longer using Dojo's build only) * Removal of licence-incompatible code in utils/lib/ * Performance tuning of UI template handling code For the full changelog see https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/blob/1.9/Changelog For a more in-depth coverage of notable changes in this release, please consult the release notes at https://ledgersmb.org/content/19-release-notes For installation instructions and system requirements, see https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/blob/1.9.0/README.md The release can be downloaded from our download site at https://download.ledgersmb.org/f/Releases/1.9.0 The release can be downloaded from GitHub at https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/releases/tag/1.9.0 Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command $ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.9.0 These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files: 7892ceab986c80ccaf4d5722096c21bac2ff9cfdfc240e9681326fb033c50b11 ledgersmb-1.9.0.tar.gz 6d9985c146bb992ba97c3b5bb31e37dbc47204d7011f84dc21c81abb9ed98498 ledgersmb-1.9.0.tar.gz.asc